If you’re single, you’ve probably waded into the pool of online dating. Popular apps like Tinder and Bumble have changed the way people meet each other. With this change comes the realization that individuals are constantly marketing themselves. They are analyzing what they look like and asking themselves if their current profile pictures are good enough or if they should be going a different direction all together.
Then what? They have to craft some sort of interesting verbiage to capture the essence of their being—maybe a little funny, but definitely clever and witty. Next step. A connection. Actual contact. How do you parlay that witty, funny profile into witty, funny text banter? But wait, there’s more! You manage to get through all of those trials to the actual date, and that’s where it all comes together. At this point you better deliver authenticity, or it all goes south from there.
What happened here? It’s branding. Personal branding. So many people take the time and effort to control their profile to find a date, why don’t they understand that this intricate branding dance is just as important in business?
Building brand is the most important step your company can take to improve profit and market share. And just as your life took some time to develop and settle to create who you are, it takes time for your brand to develop and become known. And it better be authentic— nobody wants to be catfished or, in this case, “brandfished”. When you show up for that date, you want to be greeted by the person you thought you were talking to. If your brand isn’t authentic, you will run into the same problem in business—customers and employees won’t stick around.
Craft your brand, take pride in your brand, and live your brand. Because at the end of the day, YOUR BRAND is what makes customers value you. Your company is definitely single. So go out there, take that amazing brand selfie, and get people to swipe right on your company.