Morgan Weber

Digital Designer

Morgan designs for the digital world. Holding an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design from Idaho State University and diverse experience in design roles, he is deeply passionate about the creative field, spanning illustration, design, animation, photography, and 3D modeling. Morgan finds joy in every step of the creative process, from the initial brainstorming to the resolution of complex challenges. His enthusiasm for project work shines through as he immerses himself in various aspects whether through visuals, code, or interactivity. Morgan’s commitment to the creative journey delivers innovative and visually compelling solutions that elevate the creative output of CLM clients.

A little bit about me:

Food I’d bring to a deserted island: Gyoza dumplings

Hobbies: Travel, photography, mountain biking, hiking, digital art, skiing

Superpower I wish I had: Teleportation, so I could travel anywhere anytime

Our Team

We’re a collection of diverse individuals with one common goal: to create memorable, lasting, and impactful results.

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